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Here are a few benefits of swimming for seniors:

  • Improves Heart Health. Swimming contributes towards enhancing your cardiovascular health. …
  • Reduced Risk of Osteoporosis. …
  • Improves Muscle and Joints Strength. …
  • Increases Flexibility. …
  • Boosts Mood and Mental Health. …
  • Maintain Weight.

1.) Swimming is a Great Fitness Tool

Swimming is a great workout. It trains your entire body and serves as conditioning for other activities.

Aquatic exercise, especially in warm water, relieves joint pain and increases flexibility. This is due to the water minimizing the impact on your muscles. Studies have found that swimming can also improve blood sugar control. It works both because it provides an aerobic workout and because the resistance provided by the water builds muscle. As a result, your muscle cells absorb oxygen and nutrients more efficiently, which helps your body regulate blood sugar and heart rate.


2.) Swimming Lessons Can Improve Mental Health

“Swimming for your health” also applies to your mental and behavioral well-being. Challenging skills such as swimming wards off cognitive decline, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Exercising for 45 minutes a day, three days a week can increase your brain volume.

It’s important to take care of your mental health. Stress and anxiety can weaken your body’s immune system. Swimming can be used as a self-care activity to release mental stress. Aquatic activity is known to have these benefits:

Promotes peace and relaxation

Alleviates stress

Improves coordination, balance, and posture

3.) Swimming Builds Confidence

A main reason people give for avoiding swim lessons is, “I’m embarrassed that I can’t swim,” and that’s understandable. Researchers have found that adults have a harder time than kids admitting a lack of knowledge  . Understand that mastering swimming isn’t going to happen in a day or even a month. It can be helpful to look for class structures that offer a small student-to-teacher ratio so that you have more time to concentrate.

Keep in mind the main purpose of learning in a class setting: There are skills that other students, like you, do not yet know. If those other students were already pros at swimming, they wouldn’t be taking a class. Doubtless they’re too busy setting their own goals to be worried about your opinion, so don’t let the (highly unlikely) fear of their criticism halt your progress

If group settings are not your cup of tea, private and semi-private lessons are always a possibility. Be sure to explore the different options that our Academy offers.

4.) Group Lessons Can Create and Strengthen Connections

Being in a swim class with your own age group is a great way to find like-minded individuals to relate to. Soon, you’ll know people you can look forward to seeing in the water at each lesson. Having a buddy there to share your struggles and successes can make each lesson that much more enjoyable. Not only is that good for your mood, but also it keeps you invested! Studies show that about 40% of people drop a class soon after starting, versus just 6% of those who participate with a friend. You’ll push each other to work harder, stay committed to going back for each class, and share your accomplishments.

5.) Swimming Lessons Can Save Your Life

Fear of water is a very common phobia. The surprising thing, though, is that a large majority of people who cannot swim will still interact with large bodies of water during the year—taking cruises, having pool parties, fishing, and so on—without the basic skills to save their own lives. You must get past the fear for your health’s sake.

Conquering your fear may not happen overnight. It may even take you a few years to get into the water.That’s fine!!

6.) Water Safety Provides Protection for the Whole Family

The kids in your life are watching you, and whether you know it or not, they are imitating your actions. If you don’t get into the water or express your distrust of large bodies of water, you’re subconsciously teaching them that safety in the water is not a priority. Children are at a higher risk of drowning than many people realize; it’s the second leading cause of accidental injury-related death for children age 4 and younger. Instead of showing distrust of aquatic activities, promote respect for the water by signing up for lessons and passing down an important life skill to the next generation.

You are never too old, too busy, or too inexperienced to learn how to swim properly. Whether you’re learning as a bonding activity, to save yourself in an emergency, or even to protect your kids, adult lessons are for you. Swim for it!

Welcome to an amazing academy which is passionate and committed to the craft and love for coaching and the sport of swimming.

We have developed a unique method of teaching our students by understanding each individual’s ability to learn swimming skills.